Lancashire is one of the 47 counties of England, United Kingdom, its capital is Preston, being the largest city of the same. It is located in the North West region of England and is bordered to the north by Morecambe Bay and Cumbria, to the east by North and West Yorkshire, to the south by Greater Manchester and Merseyside, and to the west by the Irish Sea.
The flag of the place bears a red rose, which is known as the family symbol of the House of Lancaster. Within it lies land that forms part of the Pennine range, which is a mountainous formation located in the south of Scotland and the north of England and is known as the backbone of England because of the geographical range it shows and has a total length of approximately 400 kilometres. In contrast, The Pennines are not noted for their height, with the highest peak, Cross Fell, being 893 metres high, so they are sometimes regarded as merely contiguous hills. Lancashire’s economy is based mainly on agriculture and livestock farming, with dairy farming being a specialist, but the textile industry is also a prominent part of the economy in Lancashire.